A common eastern bird made its way to the northeast corner of BC in a town called Cranbrook. The home this wonderful visitor home at, has also made it her home for the last couple weeks. A friend of mine from the area met me as my guide for the lay of the land and the people. Thank you, Carleen, for the great morning of birding. During our search along the creek next to the house, Carleen heard, then spotted the Female Cardinal heading back towards the house with the feeders. We made our way back and met Katrin who was the first to spot the female Cardinal in the same tree where took this photo. We then met Greg, the other resident of the lucky house. Greg and Katrin are local naturalists as well as amazing hosts and I thank them for their hospitality. While chatting out on the deck, the birds very high chirp was identified and we all headed to the front where she was feeding on sunflower seeds in an ornamental crab-apple tree. Hopefully she sticks around for others to see this rare visitor to the west of the Rockies.